Sunday, December 3, 2023

Ayyoha's Paradox — An Adventure Site for Vaarn

Built using the tables from Vaults of Vaarn #3


What the PCs know. 

Once a respected and sought-after Choreographer, frequently appearing at the funerals of the most prestigious and wealthy residents of Gnomon, Cynop Scincidae found their contracts quickly severed once Inquisitor Shemwell used his terrible informatics to expose Cynop's Cacogenic heritage. They then connected with other disgraced Cacogen poets and politicos to deliver their own brand of justice to Shemwell, who fled into the wastes south of Gnomon after the Cacogen faction retaliated. Though penniless and hungry, Cynop and their Cacogen comrades are educated in several delicate arts and supple skills, and have offered a reward of rich knowledge to the party if Shemwell is brought to them alive.

What they don't know.

Since fleeing Gnomon, the richly-attired and -equipped Shemwell was captured by a horde of psychedelically uplifted myconid bandits, who, cackling, stripped him of his riches and forced him to crawl on all fours, nude as a common pack animal, carrying panniers heavy with supplies. The bandits rove occasionally from their hideout for fresh plunder, often taking Shemwell with them, leashed and grovelling, to assist in verbally smoothing transactions with those plundered. This has been going on for months, and Shemwell, docile, disoriented, and nursing an acute case of Stockholm syndrome, has plum forgot all about the inquisition or those he harmed in the process.


Friday, December 1, 2023

Floundering Falls — Level One

The first OSR(ish) dungeon I ever wrote (and ran), back in 2020. Made for Maze Rats, and populated with the tables found therein. For the map, I printed off the first three floors of Dyson's Delve, and made adjustments as necessary. Posts with Floors 2 thru 4 are forthcoming. Whether my ugly edited maps are forthcoming is a matter of debate.




Her Ladyship the Baroness of Blunderbone requests the tusk of the Walrakeet, renowned for its restorative properties. The Walrakeet may be found in the region of the Floundering Falls, behind which it is said the beast makes its abode. Convey sundry tusks to Lord Lumpley at Castle Blunderbone for compensation of 1000 silver per tusk, P.O.D..